Mastering Effective Team Communications Free Download!

A Framework for Awesome Conversations Every Time!

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Mastering Effective Team Communications

A framework for Leading Positive and Difficult Conversations

Growing a Business and A Team that performs is Difficult. Why?

-Small business owners wear many hats.

-Hiring experts may be too costly.

-Leading creative people can be frustrating.

-Leading powerful dialogues takes skill.

-Corrective conversations can be scary.

-Clarifying communications are a challenge.

Your need a strategy and a system that improves leadership, building a business and marketing to your customers.

Service Based businesses Struggle in these 3 areas

lack of Time

Time to wear the different hats such as, leadership, marketing, working in your business not on your business. I call this the TMER Method, Time, Money, Resources and Energy. What is this costing you to not have a good system or plan in place.

The Lack Of Money

Managing your cash flow, aiming for profits or keeping profits consistent. Understanding your numbers and planning yur growth.

Lack of Knowledge and Systems

I get it... in my coaching and consulting business and managing a Seven Figure Salon I see how difficult it is to keep moving forward and growing. One month is good then you loose team or clients and it feel like one step forward two steps back.

that is when I discovered the Secret...

the solution to being a better leader, builder of my businesses and a much better marketeer.

the result of all 

this pain and suffering,

and now...

I am mission to help others just like you!

Feeling Disconnected?

I started my first agency for Consulting and Coaching at the rise of the recession, and it took many years to recover from losing so much personally and professionally, there were many potential clients not wanting to invest in their growth at the time.

I kept thinking I was smart enough to figure it out only to discover the amount of time and energy it took in my personal learning curve costs me thousands.

Then, I had an ah-ha moment it was not learning more technical skills, it was learning more and new soft skills, Emotional Intelligent skills that gave me the ability to overcome obstacles, objections and provide a consistent path for my growth and the growth of my clients. It was not about adding more to their plate but helping them with systems and strategy to move through their growth pains faster and with ease.

I figured out how to get out of survival mode and into thrive mode. I started to help my clients with the same course correction and focus.

Investing in myself further and adding technology experts to my tribe was the turning point for me to have the transformation I needed. Guiding clients to deep dive in personal satisfaction, burn out, overwhelm and getting back to their purpose is what moved them from survival to thriving. Are you ready?

As Seen in...

30+ Years in beauty and wellness, experience and expertise matters.

Imagine your life in a stress free mode of operation, trusting your team with their growth goals and adapting to the expectations of being in business today.

Over 30 years of Coaching and Training

EQ Based Program

Strategy Focused

Connection Driven

and more!

Get the Above Benefits And Results Without.....

Wasted Time....

Wasted Money....

Wasted Energy....

Wasted Resources...

Leaders, Stop Struggling with Communication.

Being adaptable is required for you to survive a multi-generational workforce.

How adaptable are you and your communication skills?


Not only does this program provide you with accountability but teaches you the framework of how to hold your team accountable.


Once you learn the Qube Method you can apply the framework to leading, building, marketing, and more. It is easy to apply and duplicate.  


Communicating the good, bad and everything in between is necessary to build a stronger foundation and be profitable.

"Communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity." Nat Turner

INTRODUCING The Communication Qube

Coaching and Training PROGRAM.

An Emotionally Intelligent program and framework to guide you with effective communications to reach desired outcomes for ultimate business growth.

For leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and all business owners, The Communication Qube provides a path to success in all your communications. Including team members and salespersons, this method is fundamental for client communications and growing your business.

In addition, this same framework can be used for marketing and branding products or services to simplify content directives and direction.

+Easy 6-step Training Program

+Guided support with your Strategy Plan

+Coaching Accountability Support

+Systems for Easy Success, for leaders, team and Marketing.

Take Action Now...

Free Session

Book your Free Session now.

Bring one of your challenges to the call and we will implement The Communication Qube and a strategy for success. This is a no charge 1 hour coaching session.

Monthly Coaching

The best opportunity to create consistent results and growth that you desire. Two calls a month to design your future, implement strategy and bask in your results.

At only $400 per month you cannot afford to not have a connection, accountability and leadership coach.

Trial Program

Three Month program or six live sessions to get started on clarifying future vision and developing strategy for the year. Stay on with the monthly fee or DIY your own success. $1100 for six sessions.

As promised...





The Communication Qube Template

Download your free Communication Qube Template


SOS Strategy Plan for 2023

Your map to stay on course and make sure your TMER (Time. Money, Energy, Resource) is utilized wisely.


How to Recession Proof Your Salon

Download this free Guide to Recession Proof your Salon, Spa , MediSpa or Wellness business.


Join the Webinar for Free



Select your date below for an in-depth master class on featuring "The Communication Qube"

May 22, 2023 5:00pm EST

June 26, 2023 12:00pm EST

July 24, 2023 5:00pm EST

August 28, 2023 12:00pm EST

I get it, spending money on coaching and training is a must today to grow Your business. Find the experts and invest in you!

The Authentic Legal Stuff (Arakara LLC- DBA The Beauty Agents, Bonnie Bonadeo Coaching and Training Agency, SOS Salon Coaching and Podcast, Brand Me Marketing Agency and its affiliates)

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. read more...

Testimonials: They Agree, communication is Key!

 I didn’t know how powerful my business could be but once I
understood and she helped me develop my personal and business brand, my business began to boom. My team and I
are so much more confident and clearer on our messaging and our ideal client we are trying to attract.

Julie J.

Bonnie really makes you think about your words and your
communication style, your actions, and the impact it has on others. I have never been more aware of myself, my
relationship with others and the way I lead my team now. I am a more emotionally intelligent leader today.

Andy F.

Transformation is in the Emotional & Social Skills.

Increase Productivity

Increase Accountability

Increase Emotional Quotient

Increase Social Quotient

The Communication Qube Coaching

Leading, Building and Marketing Your Success!

Give it a try...

Coaching Program

2x a month Sessions

1 Hour Sessions

Live and Virtual Access

Flexibility on Days and Times

Access to The Communication Qube Tools

Access to SOS Salon Coaching Tools

Total Value = $600 per month

Today's Price = $400 per month

frequently asked questions

What do I get for the Trial Coaching Offer?

The trial offer is designed to terach you the Communicaiton Qube Framework and apply in between the six sessions while you are in your real work and personal life. We then complete your SOS Strategy Map. Once complete you can transfer over to the monthly coaching program and together we will put it into action.

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Can I leave the monthly coaching program any time?

Yes, you are free to cancel the Monthly Membership. Depending on the next booked session and pay cycle we can powerfully close out our time together.

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Where and how long are the sessions?

Monthly Coaching and Trail Sessions are booked every other week for one hour to 75 Minutes on Zoom. Monthly Client have access to me by email and text for the in between weeks for support, guidance and review options.

What are your waiting for?

Your business and your Team are Ready for YOU to Grow... - All Rights Reserved 2023 - Terms & Conditions